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Baby Blog

The C-Section Epidemic Part 2: Why Are Moms Choosing C-Section?

The C-Section Epidemic Part 2: Why Are Moms Choosing C-Section?
This is not an article about emergency c-section. It is an article addressing why moms are electing c-section as their birth plan. Why are moms electing major surgery over a natural process their bodies are meant to experience?

Giving The Gift Of Organic Life: Legacy For A New Generation

organic soap
The world is becoming an increasingly hostile place to raise children. Does the health of the average American predict the future for your baby? If there was something you could do to change that, would you do it? Is it possible that this decision could be the difference between health and disease?

5 Reasons To Say No To Antibiotics For Your Baby

5 Reasons To Say No To Antibiotics For Your Baby
The human microbiome and its importance in maintaining good health have become an increasingly popular topic. So the following should throw up some...